Discover the impact through the eyes of our participants. Hear their stories, experiences, and insights as they share the transformative journey of our conference.

  • Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of such a wonderful conference Brenda. What an achievement bringing it all together with such great success. You should be so proud! Looking foward to working with you and the team in the future

    — Zoe

  • Thanks so much Brenda :) we had a blast and really wanted to applaud your efforts - the event turned out amazingly!

    — Tenika

  • The event was very interactive and engaging.

    — Merete

  • The diversity in the industry speakers but predominately the similarities in process, procedures and how cultural awareness embraces all industries.


  • Different cultural perspectives & practices, fascinating to understand cultural diversity impacting property manager. Effectively interact with people from various backgrounds, amazing !! Brenda you are a genius !!


  • I really enjoyed being a part of this event, te overall vibe of the day was extremely positive and i think it might have been one of the best I have ever been to. The energy & attitude of the attendees over the day was really good and they were very optn to speaking with sponsors which I think is attributed to the way the day was run. I loved the day, the games were fun & good to see everyone getting involved. Great speakers and enjoyable.
